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Showing posts from July, 2014

Laural Hollow Park, Newell, West Virginia

The most perfect, private, little place :) Tasha drives passed this little park on a daily basis on her way to work and has expressed her interest to me several times.  The park's entrance is all you can see from the street, because the entire place is engulfed in trees! We decided to explore! Paths wind into one another and lead into the opening of the park, which is set up to be amphitheater.  It's actually an old Polar Bear Den re-purposed as the stage, and is surrounded by benches that I believe to have been donated. It's a really neat little park.  From what I understand, they hold concerts and other community events here.  You can view more info on the website :

I only want to help.

My entire life, I have been that girl. The girl that worries. The girl that cares.  The girl that always has to get involved and voice her opinion. The counselor, the confidant, the go-to. I have some innate instinct to play mother hen to any person I come across whom may seem unhappy, upset, or in need of a friend. I have even found myself hugging complete strangers at the pharmacy counter because I noticed them crying or distraught. For the most part, I can say that being an empathetic person has given me the highest level of fulfillment and the attainment of incomparable bonds and relationships. On the other hand, being critically involved in the lives of others is pretty tricky business. People don't always want to hear the truth.  Sometimes people don't want a solution.  They don't want to be understood.   They want to be pitied and comforted.  That's the kind friend I have trouble being. When something is wrong, I can't just let it be....

My new favorite web stop: The Mind Unleashed

I was breezing through my Facebook news feed when I stumbled across this post: Post by The Mind Unleashed . "We seek to break the chains of conventional thinking and inspire others to get involved and help create big change on the planet. We believe that we are in the midst of a massive paradigm shift, and many are starting to realize that business as usual means that we will travel down a path of half-conscious self destruction. Here you will find a healthy mixture of information related to activism, aw areness, and personal growth. If ordinary people really knew that consciousness and not matter or material possessions is the link that connects us with each other and the world, then their views about war and peace, environmental pollution, social justice, religious values, and all other human endeavors would change radically. Join the Global Shift in Awareness! "          -The Mind Unleashed (description) The website is amazing, c...

Welcome To My Randomness...