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Showing posts with the label Virtues

Acceptance and Forgiveness: A Practical Guide

Let's talk about forgiveness. You know, the virtue we're told to aspire to as if it's the magic ticket to inner peace. But it’s one of the toughest things to do, isn’t it? Especially when it involves someone who’s trampled over your trust like a toddler on a delicate sandcastle. Let’s look at three insights that might actually help you forgive, even if only for your own sanity. Accept that Betrayal is Human, but So Are You Here’s the first bitter pill to swallow—betrayal is human. People mess up. Not everyone’s capable of loyalty, and the sooner you accept that, the faster you stop handing out trust like free samples at a grocery store. Acceptance isn’t passive. It’s the recognition that you’re not going to let their failure trap you in a permanent prison of resentment. Yes, they were careless, but let’s not let them rent space in your mind forever; it’s expensive real estate. Forgiveness Isn’t Approval – It’s Freedom Forgiveness doesn’t mean you’re justifying their actions...