Let's talk about panic attacks—our charming little brain glitches that manage to turn a totally mundane situation into a full-blown existential crisis. Imagine the irony of living in a relatively safe society, yet feeling like you’re on the brink of death when you’re, say, standing in line for coffee. Yes, that tightness in your chest isn’t from an impending doom; it’s your mind simply having a “moment.” Why So Dramatic? A panic attack, in all its glory, is basically a runaway alarm system in your body. Your brain sends out the “Code Red” signal, flooding your system with adrenaline and cortisol as if a lion were lurking around the corner. Reality check: it’s probably just the stress from tomorrow’s work deadline. Now, why does your brain decide to mess with you like this? Blame evolution. Our minds evolved to overreact to threats because, once upon a time, not freaking out meant getting eaten. It Feels Like Dying, But Spoiler: You’re Not A panic attack can feel like ...