Stewart's story of The Third Eye takes you on a journey into the dystopian future of a post-apocalyptic Earth. The planet has become barren and the inhabitants are starving and oppressed by evil forces. The sake of all humanity rests in the hands of the prophesied "One" and in the power of the Third Eye.
Stewart blended theological and technological theories into an impressive science-fiction adventure. I was engrossed by the way Stewart wrapped the timeless concept of Armageddon around a universe far more technologically advanced than our own.
The only real complaint that I have is the length of the story. The plot is brilliantly gorged with interesting ideas but I would have loved to read more extensively about her characters and their personal experience of the story at hand.
🌟 🌟 I rate this book with two stars. It is a nice quick read for science-fiction lovers, but it is quite short. The concepts behind this story could easily earn four stars, but the delivery-for me-was far to brief.
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